Our skin is often a good gauge of our overall health. Sudden changes in skin quality usually are symptomatic of something happening within us. You know what your skin looks like on a daily basis. When something atypical develops, you’ll notice. Sometimes we assume the worst; other times, we don’t think twice about it.
What we should do is take notice and know some basics about various skin abnormalities. After that, you may want to call an experienced dermatologist’s office like Your Laser Skin Care to help you diagnose the issue.
If you suddenly develop adult acne or a pale complexion, among other issues, here is what you should know.
Is your skin …
1. Yellow-hued? If your skin suddenly develops a yellowish hue, it typically means one of two things: carotenemia or jaundice. Carotenemia is defined as excessive beta-carotene in the body. This occurs from eating too many carrots or other carotene-rich products like sweet potatoes. Carotenemia looks odd, but it is harmless. The hue will dissipate once carotene levels are lowered. The other cause of yellowish skin is jaundice, which is a serious health concern. It could be a symptom of a variety of issues like blood disease, medications and cirrhosis. In addition to yellowing skin, jaundice will often cause a person’seyes to turn yellow.
2. Purple-shaded spots? They’re called purpura, and they’re caused when blood vessels pop and pool blood under the skin. This is a somewhat common occurrence in those aged 65 and older. Blood vessels are weaker, and skin quality is diminished by years of sun damage. However, these blotches could mean there is a health concern like blood clotting disorders, Vitamin C deficiency or blood stream infections.
3. Dry? Dry skin is a common problem for mostly everyone, especially during the winter months.However, not consuming enough healthy fats can lead to dry skin. Eating more omega-3 fatty acids will help improve your skin’s dryness. Foods with high omega-3 fatty acids include eggs, anchovies and salmon.
4. Dark under-eye circles? Usually this is a sign of a lack of sleep. But if you’re getting a healthy amount of sleep and the circles persist, it could mean you have a Vitamin C deficiency. Vitamin C helps with the production of collagen. Low levels of the vitamin can cause scurvy, which will make eyes look recessed. Being dehydrated also can cause under-eye circles. Remedy with more water intake.
5. Acne? Adult acne could be a sign of an underlying health concern. Sometimes it’s associated with polycystic ovary syndrome in women. The condition is usually accompanied by longer menstrual periods, excessive hair growth and obesity.
To schedule an appointment for a comprehensive skin evaluation, call us at (323) 525-1516 or make an appointment online at www.yourlaserskincare.com.