Why Laser Hair Treatment Is Preferable Over Waxing

Posted on October 13, 2014 by Dr Elenora Fedoneko

Hairlessness has become a popular beauty trend, ushered speedily along by the media’s overt definitions of sexiness and femininity, in Western culture. Most women shave, wax or receive laser hair treatment for partial or full pubic hair removal. And according to a new study, it’s a widespread preference that crosses racial and ethnic divides.

Even though full pubic hair removal was previously thought to be solely preferred among white college-aged females, the AJOG.org study titled “Complications Related to Pubic Hair Removal” found that pubic hair removal is quite popular for women no matter what race or ethnicity. Women claim to feel sexier and cleaner with shaved vaginal regions. Over half of the women surveyed in the study said they completely removed their pubic hair. This is done commonly for aesthetic or sexual reasons.

The study’s purpose was to explore the popularity of pubic hair removal in minorities as well as examine pubic hair removal practices and the number of complications associated with it. As hairlessness has increased in popularity, so, too, have the number of health complications.

The study explored the anonymous survey responses of 333 low-income, racially diverse women ages 16 to 40. The women received care at two publicly funded reproductive health clinics at the University of Texas Medical Branch from April to June 2012.

Survey results noted that 87 percent of the women said they currently remove some of their pubic hair. The remainder said had previously removed the hair. Sixty percent of the women had experienced at least one complication from hair removal along their bikini line. The most common problems included ingrown hairs and epidermal abrasion, i.e. superficial skin scrapes.

Other problems can include genital burns if you wax. Or there is risk of folliculitis, vulvitis, vaginal irritation and infection.

The study found that shaving with a razor blade is still the most common way to remove pubic hair. Almost 90 percent of women surveyed said they used a razor to shave their vaginal region. They attributed the popularity of razors to being a low-cost method that can be done at home.

And of those who experienced some complications with removing pubic hair, 90.7 percent had shaved with a razor blade.

Minor complications are common when pubic hair is removed. And a blade can easily cause stubble, bumps and ingrown hairs. And the risk of infection is greater with razors, especially if they’re dull. If women insist on using razors, they should use a new disposable blade with every shaving. Razors left in the shower or bathroom can develop bacteria as a result of the moist environment and humidity.

Women looking to reduce their risks for infection should explore laser hair removal, like the services Your Laser Skin Care offers in Los Angeles. Laser hair treatment also is the most permanent of the available pubic hair removal options. It also improves the condition of skin by shrinking pore size over time.

Lasers used during hair removal treatments must be sterilized, usually with hospital-grade bacteria-fighting agents. Make sure to ask your spa or dermatology office how they sanitize their lasers and what protocols are followed.

For more information about Your Laser Skin Care’s laser hair removal in Los Angeles, visit us at www.yourlaserskincare.com. Call the office at (323) 525-1516 or click here to schedule a free consultation.

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Meet Dr. Fedonenko

Dr. Fedonenko is a member of the American College of Physicians and is Board Certified in Internal Medicine.

She completed her Residency at the University of Virginia School of Medicine in 1998 and has since specialized in Cosmetic Dermatology.

She obtained additional training in aesthetic medicine procedures soon thereafter, and the results of her extensive training and experience show in each and every patient’s face. She’s a doctor that can truly been trusted with your skin care and anti-aging needs.

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