When seasons change, it is time to re-evaluate your beauty routine. We will discuss two helpful tips to follow when optimizing your skincare regimen.
- Adapt Routines for the Season
You may find that some of your favorite summer beauty products are no longer working well during the winter. For colder months, we recommend using heavier creams because they will offer a layer of protection from the dry winter air. We also love moisturizers with ceramides, such as Skinmedica TNS Ceramide Treatment cream, because they hydrate the skin more efficiently and they are very effective at soothing dry, flaky skin.
- Integrate Cautiously
Although there are plenty of new and innovative beauty products to try this winter we recommend taking your time in introducing each new product to your regimen. We find that our patients experience minimal side effects when changing their beauty routines if they incorporate each new skincare product one at time. Slowly integrating new skincare products will also help you better determine which products are working for you and which ones are not. Ideally, you should give each new product a two month trial before judging its efficacy.
Your Laser Skin Care in Los Angeles specializes in Botox and Fillers injections, laser hair removal and IPL among many other services. Please call us at (323) 525-1516 or visit us online at www.yourlaserskincare.com to schedule a free consultation.