Are you concerned about your sweating? You may have a medical condition called hyperhidrosis. Hyperhidrosis is marked by unpredictable sweating, regardless of the situation or the temperature. The condition can be extremely frustrating.
Sweating can sometimes indicate a more serious medical condition, so it’s important to get checked out by your doctor to rule out the possibility. Sweating is also one of the better-known symptoms that accompany menopause. If your sweating is being caused by a medical condition, treating the condition should reduce your sweating, making you more comfortable.
Fortunately, several options are available to you to help you gain better control over your sweating. Some are available over the counter, but others will require treatment by a doctor or trained professional.
1. Extra-strength antiperspirants — These are available both over the counter and by prescription. They contain a higher dose of the active ingredient to help control the wetness.
2. Medication — Certain medications, known as anticholinergic drugs, act to slightly dehydrate you and can help control sweating. Robinul Forte is an example of this type of medication. Caution should be used, as these medications can also cause dizziness and other symptoms like dry mouth.
3. Invasive procedures — Surgery and a procedure called iontophoresis, which uses electricity to turn off the sweat gland, may be used as last resorts for sweating that is out of control.
More people are turning to Botox to help control their sweating. The Food and Drug Administration has approved Botox as a treatment for excessive sweating that occurs in the underarms. A low dose injection blocks the nerves controlling your sweating. Botox has also been effective for excessive sweating in the palms. Like any medical treatment, some side effects are possible. One injection can help control your sweating for months, although some patients do require follow-up treatments.