When it comes to the one product that has granted more wishes and answered more prayers, BOTOX rules. The #1 sign of premature aging, the woeful wrinkle, is diminished or disappears. Like the magic of a mini brow-lift, hooded eye lids open wide. And the down-turned corners of our lips, once more, have something to smile about.
Cosmetic dermatology truly is an art and a science. And with BOTOX, the science has performed beautifully. But making the magic real, is in the experienced eye and skillful hand of the practitioner. The artist. The sculptor. Because that’s what creating beauty, with BOTOX, really is. Artistry. So let’s give credit where credit is due.
Before administering a single injection, the doctor or nurse or other qualified practitioner must first see the client’s face. Not just look, but see. Imagine. Create. Where would the product work best? Where would the results most shine? Where to pinpoint each injection? How much product? How little product? How close? How far? When is less more? When is “more” best?
If you’re living near or may be visiting BEVERLY HILLS or L.A. you’re in the place that’s truly home to the most dazzling, glamorous people in the world. This is “show business”country. And this is also home to the most experienced, up-to-the-minute and best BOTOX specialists in the cosmetic dermatology industry. But you don’t have to be a super star in the entertainment industry to feel like one!
A little research, a phone call and you’ll be on your way to renewing the more youthful, attractive and star power person you always knew you could be.