We all know that preventing problems from occurring is a better strategy than trying to fix problems after they’ve appeared. Although we can now treat spider veins and varicose veins, it’s a good idea to consider ways to delay or even prevent their appearance by modifying your diet.
Spider and varicose veins are the results of damage to the walls of the veins, caused by damaged valves inside the blood vessels that serve to keep blood flowing normally. The damage may be due to several reasons, including excessive weight and obesity, increased blood pressure, tight-fitting garments, standing for lengthy periods, hormonal imbalance, as well as plain hereditary chance.
Modifying your diet in the following ways can help reduce the chance of aggravating (or creating) these conditions and improving your general health in many other ways:
Keeping hydrated is very important, but at the same time, one must avoid foods that can cause excessive water retention, which can lead to increased pressure inside the blood vessels. For this reason, cut down on your use of added salt.
Weight Control
Added weight creates a host of health problems, especially over time. But extra pounds lead directly to increased pressure in your blood vessels and reduced mobility, both of which create the conditions which favor spider and varicose veins formation.
Antioxidants are found in several berries and can help strengthen blood vessel walls. They include especially blackberries, which also contain high levels of rutin, an anti-inflammatory flavonoid which guards against blood clots and generally protects blood vessels.
It can also reduce the chance of developing new varicose veins by affecting the mechanism by which capillary blood vessels grow. Rutin is also present in Apples, grapes, cherries, and apricots.
Avocados contain high levels of vitamins C and E, which together have anti-inflammatory effects and help to thin the blood and prevent blood clot formation.
Watercress contains vitamin K, along with several other vitamins and elements. It’s traditionally been used to treat varicose veins.
Another anti-inflammatory, ginger is known to improve blood circulation, and it helps to dissolve fibrin, which is responsible for the hardening of the veins.
Beets are high in nitrates and also contain betacyanin. These ingredients can act to fight damage to blood vessel walls and improve blood circulation by increasing the flow of oxygen in the blood.
Asparagus is rich in several important vitamins, elements, and amino acids. It can help strengthen blood vessel walls and help prevent varicose vein development.
Rosemary is traditionally used to boost blood circulation and contains compounds that fight against tissue damage caused by free radicals.
Your Laser Skin Care
Your Laser Skin Care can provide you with advice on the best ways to treat varicose or spider veins – we have extensive experience providing both laser vein therapy and Sclerotherapy treatments. Call us at (323) 525-1516 to schedule a free consultation or visit us online for more information.