More and more men are turning to Botox and fillers to improve their appearance. For example, in the last eight years, the number of men getting Botox treatments has increased by 27 percent. In fact, Botox for men has become so popular that a new word has been coined to describe it – “Brotox.”
Botox and fillers are popular with men because they are non-invasive and affordable ways to smooth out facial lines. The treatments are easy, fast, and effective. Many men start them at the very first signs of aging. Why look older than you have to?
In fact, in Los Angeles, Botox treatments are so common among millennial men that they consider them just a regular part of their beauty routines.
Your Laser Skin Care in Los Angeles specializes in Botox and Fillers injections, laser hair removal, chemical peels and IPL among many other services. Please call us at (323) 525-1516 or visit us online at to schedule a free consultation.